The largest industrial event in the Nordic countries, Subcontracting, strengthened its popularity – new features planned for next year | Alihankinta
Subcontracting Trade Fair

The largest industrial event in the Nordic countries, Subcontracting, strengthened its popularity – new features planned for next year 

Press release  08.10.2024

The Subcontracting trade fair reinforced its position as the largest and leading industrial event in the Nordic countries. Nearly 23,000 industry professionals participated in the Subcontracting fair held at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre, of which over 17,000 were visitors. Fastems served as the main partner of Subcontracting, with Sandvik as the theme partner and Dimecc as the program partner. Next year, Subcontracting will be held from September 30th to October 2nd, 2025. 

The Subcontracting trade fair once again provided a unique meeting place where supplier companies and buyers had the opportunity to network. During Tampere’s industrial week, the Subcontracting fair and the “Big Machines in the Central Square” event attracted a total of nearly 37,000 participants. 

“The atmosphere has been enthusiastic and inspiring, and judging by the constant buzz, both visitors and exhibitors have been very satisfied with what the days have offered. The topical panel discussions filled the auditoriums, and the great popularity of the theme hall indicates that artificial intelligence and its solutions are of interest and fascination. Our renewed brand has received abundant praise and more than satisfactory feedback,” describes Project Manager Sami Siurola from the Tampere Trade Fairs Group. 

New openings for Subcontracting’s partners 

This year’s theme for Subcontracting was Productivity through AI, and the topic was extensively explored throughout the three-day event. 

“The Subcontracting fair offers an excellent opportunity to learn new things, create relationships, and of course, do business. Automation, digitalization, and artificial intelligence are, above all, a journey – not a single project. This change affects everyone, and it’s possible to turn it to our advantage,” states Mikko Tuomaala, Marketing Director of Fastems, which served as the main partner of the event. 

For DIMECC, acting as the program partner was a natural role, as the company’s customer base consists of industrial companies, experts, and decision-makers. 

“Our new ecosystem, Make in Finland, brings these actors together to create the future of manufacturing industry, so this was the perfect place to launch the operation. Numerous new cooperation patterns and plans were born both within the framework of our program and at the exhibition stands,” states Rauno Hatakka, Sales Director of DIMECC. 

Industrial Achievement of the Year award to Epec 

The Industrial Achievement of the Year award was also presented at Subcontracting, which was won by the system supplier Epec Oy from Seinäjoki. The selection jury described the winner’s electronics factory investment as a spearhead project and characterized it as a highly significant investment in the field of Finnish electronics manufacturing. The justification emphasized how important it is for the entire Finnish industry that there is a capable actor in Finland who can create hardware and software solutions for heavy-duty mobile machinery. 

Evolving Subcontracting will be visible and audible throughout the year 

Subcontracting, organized since 1988, is renewed every year, but now a special effort is in store. The event’s new brand was launched in conjunction with the opening ceremony and will be implemented across the event’s various channels during the latter part of the year. The brand concept and visual identity were created by Form Union Design & Strategy and Pauhaus Oy. The new brand aims to elevate subcontracting as both an industry and an event, giving it value. The new brand is encapsulated in the phrase ‘Subcontracting enables success’. Visually, the strong look draws inspiration from industrial design, bringing the shine of steel to the new logo symbol. 

Also new is the recently launched BOX by Subcontracting podcast, which offers straight talk from the industrial frontline led by working life professor Matti Apunen. The podcast gives the audience an opportunity to explore current industrial topics and maintain active discussion in the community even between Subcontracting events. The first production season, which will be released approximately every three weeks, focuses on the USA especially from the perspective of industrial companies. The BOX by Subcontracting podcast is produced by Tampere Trade Fairs and can be listened to on Spotify. The podcast is in Finnish.

Subcontracting will also get a new website and new digital solutions as we move towards the 2025 Subcontracting event. The theme for the fair to be held from September 30th to October 2nd, 2025, is ‘Competitiveness Sustainably’. 


Project Manager Sami Siurola, tel. 040 734 3589, 

Marketing and Communications Manager Katri Sillanpää, tel. 040 726 3172,