The new brand of Subcontracting puts Finnish industry to the foreground | Alihankinta
Subcontracting Trade Fair

The new brand of Subcontracting puts Finnish industry to the foreground

News  01.10.2024

The Subcontracting fair, held since 1988, is now renewing its brand. The new brand of the event was launched in connection to the Subcontracting opening ceremony on 1 October 2024 and will be introduced to the public through different channels during the rest of the year.

Subcontracting is the largest and leading industrial event in the Nordics, offering supplier companies and the procurers a unique chance to meet and network with each other. The annually held event brings together more than 22,000 industrial professionals and talents under one roof at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre.

– For 36 years now, Subcontracting has made revolutionary encounters possible for its visitors and participants. We want to continue to be the number one industrial event and a forerunner in our own field also in future. This was the perfect moment for our renewal, says Tuomas Räsänen, the Managing Director of Tampere Trade Fairs, the organiser of the Subcontracting fair.

Brand inspired by industrial design

The brand renewal was a joint effort by two design agencies: Form Union Design & Strategy and Pauhaus Oy created the brand concept and the visual identity together. The role of subcontracting industry as a promoter of Finnish industry and export was the starting point for the design process.

– Subcontracting industry is a key link in the value chain of Finland’s success in export operations, and thereby helps promote the well-being of our society. The Subcontracting fair, on the other hand, brings together the field’s entire ecosystem. We wish to put Subcontracting, both the field and the event, to the foreground and honour it, say Sanna-Maria Sarelius and Pauliina Vesterinen, the designers in charge of the brand renewal.

The new brand can be summarised by the motto ‘Subcontracting enables success’. The visually strong look takes inspiration from industrial design, adding a shine of steel to the new logo symbol. The imagery will highlight familiar products and materials of technology industry in impressive and effective ways.

More extensive content

Content-wise, the event will also offer something new. BOX by Alihankinta, a Finnish-speaking podcast launched at the end of September, will extend the dialogue in the fields of industry and technology outside the fair itself, reaching both professionals and general audiences. The guests of the podcast, hosted by Professor of Practice Matti Apunen, will include some of the key names of Finnish business life and social influencing. A new website is also in the plans, along with new digital solutions.

The theme of the 2025 Subcontracting fair is ‘Sustainable competitiveness’. The event will be held 30 September–2 October 2025.