Subcontracting Fair: New zing for productivity | Alihankinta
Subcontracting Trade Fair

Subcontracting Fair: New zing for productivity

News  04.09.2024

Artificial intelligence is profoundly changing industries, and therefore the theme of this year’s Subcontracting Fair is ‘AI Driven Productivity’. On 1–3 October, exhibitors will present concrete solutions for this in Tampere Exhibition and Spots Centre. As a current phenomenon, it is also worth noting the growing number of foreign exhibitors and visitors.

Miljögiraff, a Swedish life cycle assessment (LCA) partner of industrial companies, is participating in the trade fair for the first time. They represent in the Swedish and Finnish markets SimaPro LCA calculation system, which is used in a total of 80 countries. Miljögiraff’s CEO Marcus Wendin is a leading Nordic expert in assessing the environmental impact of industrial products and organisations. The information is used for product development, reporting climate footprint and environmental declaration.

– Numerous industrial companies and universities use SimaPro for life cycle analyses and data collection for responsibility reporting. In Finland, since 2004, we have helped several organisations such as Luke, Gaia, Valmet, ABB, Hankkija, Comatec and Deltamarin as well as universities and institutes. We are looking forward to establishing better contacts with them face to face in Tampere, Marcus Wendin smiles.

At the fair, Miljögiraff will be presenting responsibility strategies and solutions in its booth and speeches. The issues already touch almost all organisations.

– We discuss, among other things, industrial carbon footprint calculation and EPD calculations, responsibility reporting and scope 3 calculations. We show how easily companies of different sizes can adopt SimaPro, Wendin continues.

LCA is a quantitative approach to environmental management and, as such, AI is promising for solutions to scale up its application. Miljögiraff is already making first steps with large scale calculations and verification of declarations.

– We help our customers identify and verify the environmental effects of their operations and develop their operations to be more sustainable based on information and calculations. Users are happy to exchange their experiences in our webinars and on the SimaPro LinkedIn Forum. Just visit us to discuss the possibilities and challenges, Marcus Wendin invites.

AI supports everyday activities and continuous learning

– Artificial intelligence and productivity are a central topic at the fair – for example in connection of new technologies, robotics, continuous learning and operational agility. We have a separate AI theme hall, where 30 new actors present intelligent solutions at their stands and on their own program stage, says Tuomas Räsänen, CEO of Tampere Trade Fairs.

– On the main stage, the perspective is widened by keynote speaker Perttu Pölönen, who talks about what artificial intelligence means in terms of employee competence and continuous learning. AI is further discussed from many angles, e.g. in high-level panel discussions and in speeches by Fastems, our main partner of the 2024 Subcontracting Fair, when they talk about how to take over new technologies, Räsänen reveals.

Subcontracting Fair brings together the contract manufacturers, main suppliers and service providers of the manufacturing industry. They want to talk about both practical issues and future solutions.

– New contacts and ideas are created effectively when people network and get to know new solutions and technologies. This is why Subcontracting Fair’s program is planned in cooperation with visitors and exhibitors, Räsänen states.

The fair’s future is more international

The core of the subcontracting fair concept will remain, but the look will evolve, says Räsänen.

– We create new program content, targeted events and seminars within the framework of fairs. There are also parallel events nearby, such as Big Machines at Keskustori (old market square) in Tampere. Our digital tools support the exhibitor’s marketing and high-quality meetings. This year we’re even launching a new podcast series, and of course we’re using artificial intelligence in marketing and communications.

– Every year, about 17,000 guests from more than 40 different countries visit the event. 20 nationalities are represented in the exhibitors this year. We are building up the fair’s services for foreign companies, and we want to make the fair more international year after year. Both export and import are important for Finland, Räsänen summarizes.

Subcontracting Fair 1-3 October 2024, Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre

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