International Subcontracting Trade Fair bids you a safe welcome to Tampere! | Alihankinta
Subcontracting Trade Fair

International Subcontracting Trade Fair bids you a safe welcome to Tampere!

News  22.09.2021

After a two-year pause, the Subcontracting and AlihankintaHEAT will be held again. In addition to meticulous health security arrangements by the Tampere Trade Fairs, strict terms continue to apply to those travelling to Finland. Despite the existing restrictions, we are happy to confirm that the leading industrial fair in Finland will provide an international offering this year too. 

The Subcontracting and AlihankintaHEAT set of events expects attending partners from Austria, China, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and Finland. Persons arriving in Finland are required reliable proof of having a corona infection within the preceding six months, of a complete set of coronavirus vaccinations, or of a negative result from a reliably performed coronavirus test done prior to arriving in Finland.

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health continues to state that infections from abroad should be avoided as Finland does not yet have sufficient vaccine coverage. It is recommended that one registers in the FINENTRY service before arriving in Finland. The latest regulation entered into force on September 1 and will be enforced until October 15, 2021. Countries, regions, and the epidemic situation will be examined every two weeks.

The obligation to present a certificate and to take a test does not, however, include persons who arrive to Finland from a country or region where the incidence rate of the coronavirus or the prevalence of a mutated virus does not cause special risk of spreading for the epidemic. Being included on this list of countries with low-level risk requires, among other things, that the incidence rate has been less than ten coronavirus cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the past two weeks. Also, persons arriving from the above-mentioned countries or regions are not obligated to take a second corona test within 72–120 hours after arrival.

As a responsible event organiser, we will do everything in our power to make everyone feel safe at our events. The Subcontracting and AlihankintaHEAT set of events, like all events organised by Tampere Trade Fairs, are carried out in accordance with the current guidelines, restrictions, and public health security measures by the Regional State Administrative Agency and the National Institute for Health and Welfare. In the course of preparations, the Tampere Trade Fairs Group has been in close cooperation with the Pirkanmaa corona advisory officials, the Regional State Administrative Agency of Western and Central Finland, and the police to ensure arranging a safe event for everyone.

We bid you a safe welcome to Tampere!