Heat Stage info
There is some information attached about things we wish for seminar and meeting organizers to familiarize themselves with in advance.
Please also pass the information on to all the speakers of the seminar and the people connected to the event.
Please check the program time and place of your event on our website or in the order confirmation you received.
Program (in finnish) »
The exhibitor card serves as an entry ticket to the fair. You can print exhibitor cards using the IDs you received from the Extranet service.
Performers, seminar speakers and organizers can enter free of charge by registering in advance or on site. Parking and clothing storage are also free for performers, and you can pick up a free parking ticket and a clothing storage ticket at the information desk if necessary.
Registration for the fair »
Parking is free for performers with a separate parking ticket. The parking ticket is shown to the parking supervisors when leaving the exhibition area (when the car is parked, it does not have to be attached to the windshield). The same ticket is used on all fair days and you can get a parking ticket at the information desk.
NOTE! There are a limited number of parking spaces at the Tampere Fair and Sports Center.
We recommend using remote parking or public transport.
Parking »
Arrival instructions »
Program on the HEAT Stage will be streamed online.There are some things about the program we wish for you to be prepared.
- The name of the performers is projected onto the HeatStage screen. Please inform us about any changes as soon as possible.
- If you intend to present a slide show or a video during your speech, it must be sent in advance before September 20, 2024. In this way, we ensure a seamless presentation. Presentation should be on 16:9 aspect ratio and with content that is easily visible, Full HD 16:9 video format, all major formats (for example mp4 H264).
- The presentation material must be uploaded in PowerPoint format
- We ask you to send a picture of the performers by September 20, 2024. The images will be displaeyd on the screen. (the size at leats 1080×1080 px)
- If you want the stage host to ask you a few questions at the end of your presentation or if it is an interview, please send the desired questions in advance by September 20, 2024.
- Please note that the font size is large enough so that the viewers can clearly see the texts, diagrams and images in your presentation. Please do not use font sizes less than 20.
- Tampere Trade Fairs ltd is responsible for the copyrights on music played on the stage.
We kindly ask presenters to arrive at the stage vicinity at least 15 minute before start of the presentation.
There are an technician and a program assistant at the HEAT stage during the event.
Seminars and meetings are organized in the Seminar Center, in the meeting room corridor or in the E2 meeting room.
Facility locations on map »
Some of the lecture rooms have a laptop included. If you want to show your presentation from your own computer, the computer must have an HDMI output/Display port. Let us know if there are different kind of adapter needed.
Lecture rooms have internet connection and details about Wi-Fi are shown on the room.
For having the most stable presentation possible, we wish you to have your presentation on some kind of hard drive instead of having it on cloud service.
Our facilities are on constant use, so we hope for you to keep the seminar/presentation on the schedule.
Before events, a program assistant will be there to help with possible technical difficulties.
Food services are not included on the facility reservation. Catering services need to be ordered from Finnresta.
Order catering services»
Finland Restaurants Oy (Finnresta)
Mari Siikanen
Shift manager
p. 040 524 3599
If you would like media publicity for your event and/or your presentation may be published in PDF format on the event’s media pages, please send your presentation by email to Tampere Fair’s communications at least one week before the event at: sirkka.laine@tampereenmessut.fi. The presentations submitted to us will be published in the material bank in the event’s own folder.
We are sharing interesting news and topics on Tampere Trade Fairs social media accounts.
LinkedIn: AlihankintaHUB
Twitter: @Alihankinta, #Alihankinta, #AlihankintaHEAT
Please share information about seminars, topics and speakers using the hashtags show above.
On communication matters, please contact:
Marketing and communications manager:
040 726 3172
Materialbank »
If you need more information about the technology or facilities, please contact:
Fanny Juvonen
program producer
Tel: 040 849 8294